Up to now my last tour in Iceland. This time ending in Akureyri, for reasons explained by my exchange semester there. Once again I used the August 2003 for a bike tour. I've been flying via London and landing, as usual, in Keflavík. I then started on not too well known roads to the southern shore of Þingvallavatn, to Geysir, Gullfoss, Kjölur with a detour to Kerlingarfjöll, and thus I reached Skagafjörður in the north. From there I cycled along the coast almost to Siglufjörður and finally to Akureyri one first time to get in touch with the local University.
In a second part of my journey I cycled onwards, after one day of break, again on not so well known roads off the ringroad to Mývatn and from there to Möðrudalur. Then I took the road into the highland and towards Snæfell. In that area I stayed for one day of hiking and then returned to civilisation in Egilsstaðir to gather new food reserves and make another resting day.
After that I started off to the real highland, Kárahnjúkar, Dimmugljúfur and a small unnamed road back to the main F 910 heading towards Kverkfjöll. Once again I made a one day hiking stop, after that on to Askja, Herðubreið, and after altogether 8 days in the highlands back to Mývatn and "home" to Akureyri. And there the story continues with my exchange semester...
The weather was altogether fabulous and I guess I've made some really nice photos and had a definitely wonderful and unforgetable time. A longer report will follow later, at least in german. A small route map is available already. All the 230 pictures I have taken on the tour are listed below, chronologically sorted... good luck... :)